10 May 2024 | Synopsis
"...a new study found that range anxiety is a complicated, multi-faceted issue and that a new fear surrounding charging has emerged for most owners of electric vehicles...Only 9% of EV owners said that they experience range anxiety very often, while 29% of owners said that they sometimes felt range anxiety, and 44% said that they rarely felt range anxiety."A staggering 91% of current EV owners, including 95% of Tesla (TSLA) owners and 86% of other brands say that their next car will be an EV."
10 May 2024 | Synopsis
Chemix, an AI-powered EV battery developer, has completed a USD 20 million Series A funding round...Using AI, developers can cut down the time and expense of battery design by iterating faster and more efficiently...early-prediction model helped reduce the time it took to identify fast-charging techniques from over 500 days to 16 days...Chemix helped a client develop a novel electrolyte...that could extend the battery's cycle life by 400% within two months."10 May 2024 | Synopsis
"Thanks to a docking mechanism, its sensors, and artificial intelligence system, the drone can recognize a power line every time it needs to recharge its batteries...To achieve complete autonomy, the drones needed to easily charge without human intervention."When the drone batteries are full, a circuit cuts the current, the magnet stops working, and the grip opens freeing up the drone to fly again."
10 May 2024 | Synopsis
"When electrons travel through the metal, they fight their way through other electrons and other defects and so on, and lose energy as they move forward. And that loss is what we pay for."...the ramifications of superconductivity being available in ambient conditions are going to be transformative for all things around us...Here we are talking about energy efficiencies, which are going to transform how we travel, how we communicate."
10 May 2024 | Synopsis
"Data for this article and visualization is sourced from 'The ABC of Mobility'...gathered their modal share data through travel surveys, which focused on the primary mode of transportation a person employs for each weekday trip."North America's share of public transport and active mobility (walking and biking) is the lowest amongst all surveyed regions by a significant amount...On the other hand, public transport reigns supreme in South and Central America as well as Southern and Eastern Asia."
08 May 2024 | Synopsis
"..the region's power grid operator predicted a steady increase in electricity consumption in New England from now through 2033, to the tune of 17%, driven primarily by building and transportation electrification."...overall electricity use in New England is expected to increase from 119,179 gigawatt-hours to 140,001 gigawatt-hours...grid operator predicts that energy efficiency programs, such as Mass Save, participating in the region's wholesale electricity markets will reduce electricity use by 11,210 gigawatt-hours in 2033."
08 May 2024 | Synopsis
"The reality is that EV sales are growing rapidly, the technology is evolving briskly, and everyone from policymakers to auto executives to consumers is putting EVs at the center of long-term planning."The trajectory is clear,' says...a climate economist at Columbia Business School. "None of this is 'if'; it is 'when.'" More than 40% of Chinese car purchases in 2024 will be electric, according to the IEA...[US] number is 11%, and it's 25% in Europe."
08 May 2024 | Synopsis
"...clean air policies are hitting snags by way of GOP-led legislation and lawsuits designed to hurt electric vehicle progress.""..25 Republican attorneys general filed a lawsuit intended to overturn the EPA’s recently finalized tailpipe rules...President Biden of being 'willing to sacrifice the American auto industry and its workers in service of its radical green agenda..." Michigan Rep. John James introduced legislation to dismantle those same rules."
08 May 2024 | Synopsis
"Demand for the red metal is soaring due to the need to power giant data centers for AI."This year, money has been moving into copper as part of the continuum of the process that results in power generation....And the demand for power generation is growing because of all the energy needed for data centers, where artificial intelligence applications are trained and live.
"...demand for more copper because one H100 GPU uses some 700 MW of power per year. That's roughly the same as a typical house."
08 May 2024 | Synopsis
"...the 390-foot (119-meter) superyacht is designed to run on 'green' hydrogen, which is produced by by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable electricity"Dutch shipbuilder Feadship...launch[ed]...$646 million vessel on May 4th at their Amsterdam shipyard sees the yachting world 'forever changed.
"...ship's liquid hydrogen fuel requires approximately eight to 10 times more storage space than traditional diesel fuel..."
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