19 Feb 2025 14:42:39 UTC


The China Show On US Pans on Chinese Auto Electronics

Commentary by The China Show hosts on Biden Administration policies to thwart the introduction of Chinese surveillance technology in US-made cars. Starts at 55-minute mark.

TIME: 4:35

A Controversial Play - and What It Taught Me About the Psychology of Climate

When Australian playwright David Finnigan launched a new play in 2014, controversially titled "Kill Climate Deniers," he was not prepared for the blowback and where it would come from.

TIME: 10:07

Hyundai-backed Supernal Spells Out Its Plans For eVTOL Air Taxi Services – FutureFlight

The backing of the Korean automotive giant Hyundai is boosting its advanced air mobility subsidiary Supernal as it prepares to start flight testing a full-scale technology demonstrator version of the four-passenger S-A2 eVTOL aircraft.

TIME: 7:48

Battery powered flights from Washington DC to LA. No longer a pipe dream?

Battery technology is developing at breath-taking speed all over the world, but China still leads the way. Now they've created batteries with such high energy density that they're using them to develop a commercial aircraft with a range of 2,000 miles.

TIME: 12:08

How Many Amps Do You Need For Home EV Charging?

Tom Moloughney from InsideEV takes a look at the different factors you need to consider when buying a home EV charger to help you figure out how much power you need.

TIME: 26:07


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