07 Apr 2022 | Abstracted from New Atlas
One 2020 study published in JAMA Surgery found the incidence of annual e-scooter injuries in the US climbed from 4,582 in 2014, before the emergence of ride-share scooter companies, to 14,651 in 2018, when they had become far more commonplace. Nearly a third of those were head injuries - more than double the rate endured by cyclists - with annual hospital admissions rising from 313 to 1,374 across the same period.
A 2021 paper titled "Electric Scooter-Related Injuries: A New Epidemic in Orthopedics," found that of 397 patients presenting to an emergency room over a 12-month period, only 19 were wearing helmets at the time of their accident. Twenty-five percent of the cases required surgery. Another systematic review published in 2021 estimated that every 100,000 trips resulted in 20 to 25 emergency department visits.
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